Tag Archives: Draper Temple

My Process ~ Dangerously Creative (part 1)

Finding a client, collector, or whatever you call someone who commissions an original oil painting is for a separate blog.  I found Sara and Francisco as a result of the Bridal Expo I was a participant in on July 19, 2014.

My 'booth'
This is my simple set-up at the La Caille Bridal Expo on July 19, 2014

My process, how I do what I do, is a question I often get when people view my work.  I am a very patient person, and even though I’m dangerously creative, I am trying to develop a method or process that is consistent and duplicatable.

Your style, and my style is like our signature,  no matter what process we use, it remains unique.  Following a step by step action plan on each painting, consistently is a powerful tool.  You might compare it to memorizing the words and tune to a song.  During the memorization process, and especially after mastering the music you are then able to give your full attention to the emotional message of the arrangement and put your whole heart into the presentation.  Similarly, my creative spirit and my love of experimenting will not be stifled, surprisingly, by following a similar process on each painting. Instead the process opens up new avenues of creative expression.

I am posting photos and instructions illustrating my ‘Temple Project’.  My goal it to draw and paint every LDS Temple in the world.  I’m only 57.  At the rate I paint (very slowly),  I need to live another 40 productive years.  Even though I paint slowly, and often do some art for pure fun, and take a few ‘rabbit trails’ as my husband would call them, I pray it can be done… (you might refer to my post entitled “The Profitable Artist” Vision Statement http://wp.me/p4K6CV-9)

St. George, Utah LDS Temple
This is the St. George Utah Temple.  The drawing is finished, I corrected the skewed perspective,  and it is now ready to transfer to the canvas.
Watercolor surface, similar to watercolor paper texture
This is my choice of canvas, this is the purchased ‘cradled panel watercolor board’ I’m going to use.
Spraying on the sky
You see an 11 x 14 aquabord sitting in my art studio sink. I’ve sprayed Cobalt blue liquid watercolor and am in the process for watching it dry, hoping that the dreaded blooms will appear in interesting places or not at all.
Sky by Jane in Blues and pinks
This is also a cradled panel, but it is a gessoes board ready to accept Oil Paint.  I’m really good at Bob Ross skies…so in case my client wants a more traditional sky I do 2, giving my client a chance to select the one they like.
Artsy Sky
This is the finished watercolor sky. It’s a little more artsy than the oil sky. I’m not sure I’m done. I added ultramarine blue over the cobalt. I like the blooming…this type of Watercolor board is very prone to blooms! I think it needs some pinks…

On Sept 11, 2014, I sent images of both skies to my client, Sara.  After conferring with her fiancé they selected the Oil Painted background. So here goes.

St George Temple in St. George Utah
I changed my reference photo to black and white in photoshop, this is the underpainting.

The next step is another layer of paint on the entire temple, using the color photo as a reference.  The photos I’m using were some I took back in February when my family took a golfing trip to St. George.

Eventually the Bride and Groom will be in the foreground.

My follow-up blog will take you to the finished painting.  Watch for it…the painting is to be delivered on November 18.

What can I start saying NO to?

Smart Goals reviewed and refined:

Ok, so I re-read my first try at a Smart goal, and the goal I thought I could finish in one day, Monday August 3, (I can get that all done tomorrow, maybe) still remains unfinished.

My current goal is to receive at least 2 commissioned Temple paintings from the 60+ new contacts I got at the La Caille Bridal Expo I spent $600.00 and several hours obtaining.

Potential obstacles or concerns:

1. Well, so far I have emailed all 60 brides, and looked for them on Facebook.  Not many responses at all.

2.  I have one client so far.  I will meet with Sara and Francisco on Aug 27 to do a photo shoot at the Mt. Timpanogus Temple.  They want an 8×10 for the sign-in table at their reception.

3.  Diversions have accumulated:  I did a Plein Air event Saturday the 16th, painting remains unfinished and it is so enticing…I really want to finish it.  Plein Air competition event scheduled on August 23rd.  I paid for 3 entries, which means I have three little landscapes to do next weekend.

4.  Funeral tomorrow, Stansbury Art and Lit Society meeting on Tuesday, Budgeting payday (this is really hard stuff for me and takes several hours) on Wednesday, Fiona’s birthday party Friday, Sat Sun and Monday to do three plain air paintings and then deliver paintings to Local Colors on Monday.

5. Viola Recital next month, need to practice a lot, Singing in the Choir for General Conference on October 4, and then the next week Messiah practice starts so Sunday nights will be busy from next week until Christmas.  Christmas gift paintings planned…hmmm.  Always too much to do.  What do I need to start saying NO to?

6. And I plan on substitute teaching?….go figure!  And there is the yard and housework, exercising and showering….

Business TO DO list:

1. Text all of the brides.  Many young people do not use email anymore, but texting is almost universal with that age group.

2.  Put all the brides in my contact list, (I’m on the M’s.) and then text them all with an invitation to receive a beautiful temple painting as a wedding decoration at their reception, that will increase in value, both monetarily and spiritually as it will also serve as a reminder that their eternal vows are beyond value.

3.  Order cards from fineartamerica.com, or got print.net (check prices) and one month before date of their wedding send them a lovely card to remind them of my services and congratulate them again on their wedding plans.

Painting TO DO list:  

(My process:  Find a photo of the temple I want to draw, hopefully one I took.  It can be someone else’s photo, as long as they give me permission to use it.  It has to be recognizable as a specific temple.  It does not have to be the whole temple.  It has to be a great composition.  I have to be able to put a couple in front, in the foreground after the entire temple is painted.  I will paint the temple as a finished painting, photograph it carefully, and then post it on my website.  Then I can sell prints of the temple without the personalization.  I will also keep the pattern that I draw so I can paint the same temple again if necessary.  (For a new commission of the same temple.))


1.  Transfer only the best photos (particularly Temples) from my older external hard drives.

2.  Chose one…make a decision.  Then draw it carefully.  (as of today, August 17, I have 2 drawn, and one more on the drawing board)

     a. Oquirrh Mountain Temple is drawn, and ready to transfer to the 24 x 36 Fredrix cradled watercolor panal.  Background (3rd try, I scrubbed it off twice) is ready to gesso.  (I sprayed it with printer ink!!!) I’m so excited!

     b.  Snowflake AZ Temple is drawn and ready to transfer as soon as the sky is dry.  Stormy sky, With the temple glowing in  front of the storm is the concept.  Name:  Stand Ye in Holy Places  16×20

     c.  Snowflake AZ temple nearly finished on a 5×7 Fredrix panel.  Watercolor sky, clear gesso, and the temple in oil.

     d.  Drawing of St. George Temple is started. (it’s the one Sara and Francisco want)

3.  Apply clear gesso over the sky, seal the edges also, and than transfer the drawing.  Then I will seal the drawing with another coat of clear gesso.  Begin oil painting the Oquirrh Mountain temple regardless of obtaining a commission.

It’s such a fun challenge-being my own boss!

Resplendent Radiance Replaces Darkness

Last week I worked on a mission statement, and asked for feedback from my friends.  So, here’s the revision.

MISSION STATEMENT~ By painting temples, I want to show the whole world the true beauty and purpose of temples: joy, protection, progress, and eventual return as family units to His glorious presence.  The resplendent beauty of each Temple painting, hanging on the walls of Saints all over the world will bring the Spirit of Christ into the homes and hearts of His children.

Soon I will bring all these posts together, and have a business plan I feel confident and comfortable with.  This post is short and sweet, and as always, I love feedback!